I found this beauty at my back door...
A present from a very sweet dear...Maude...
Thought I would like it...
Let me think....
Are you kidding like I needed to think about it...
I only have wanted a "working" one for the past 8 years...
Since my beloved sunbeam stopped suddenly and was put to rest on the shelf of vintage goodness...
This one didn't have any beaters and no bowls but works a treat...
Luckily I have beaters...but no bowls...
But that's ok...I will be sure to find some on e-bay...
Now here comes the strange thing...
All of these years I have remembered cooking with my grandma...
standing beside her on a chair...mixing....pouring...baking...
and thought the smell I remembered was just that...
The smell of baking...
But no I was wrong...So wrong....
It was the smell of the Sunbeam Mixmaster that I remember...
Have you ever smelt one working?
I know that this may sound very ,very strange...But truly they have a certain smell...
And when I turned this one on...It came flooding back to me...
I found my spare beaters...Found a bowl that "sought of" worked...
and started cooking...
And the only thing that was the right thing to cook was a chocolate cake...
Baked in my Baby Belling..."that still needs tweaking"...
and covered with creamy frosting icing..."To hide the wonkyness of it all...
How good is that...
To me it is the BEST...
The smell, I know what you are talking about...my mums big Kenwood Food Processor had a 'smell'. Not a nasty smell, just the smell of the machine going, if that makes sense, maybe the plastic it was made from, or just the mechanics whirring around inside?
But definately a smell, to say it was making pasties day.......
Look at you making and cooking with your vintage beauties, good on you.....x
Hi, just found your blog and thought I would pop in to say 'Hello'! Lovely, lovely things xxx Rachel xxx
My mum still has hers and I used it when I went over to NZ earlier this year to make Dad a cake. I love it. I have a 'newer' version of the sunbeam mixer and it is my most favourite item in the kitchen...no one else is allowed to touch it!
Oh and Mum's is a bluey colour - perfect!
That looks just like my Mom's old Sunbeam mixer (my SIL has it now). Sure brings back memories of my Mom baking in the kitchen. However, I don't remember any special "smell" but we loved to lick the beaters and bowl.
I know that smell - we didn't have one but it seemed everyone we knew did there was just something about that machine - it sure smelt good at work.
Your cake looks delicious - wonky is good.
Hi hun
Do pop over and collect your Tilly Rose award my lovely!
Karen x x x
That is truly divine. What a lovely story and that mixer! My friend has one similar and oh my do I covet it! I must ask her to use it while I'm there so I can have a little sniff. Smells are so incredibly evocative! Thanks for sharing! jx
Kenwood Mixer - I can smell it now - my Mum had one and I remember helping to tip the ingredients in (at a funny angle so you didn't spill any)whilst it was running. Knowing my Mum, she still has it tucked away somewhere!
Yes! I know exactly the smell you are describing. I have my mom's old sunbeam mixer and the first time I turned it on I was overwhelmed with the smell memory!
That cake looks really yummy! :o)
that is absolutely brilliant! i bought a sunbeam mixer for $5 from a garage sale a while back $5!!! it was also missing both the beaters and the bowls. i found the bowls pretty easily in an op-shop. and when i broke one the other day, i found a replacement from another op-shop within the week. so i would suggest you check out your local oppy before e-baying it up. you never know what you might find! but i did have to buy the beaters from a vintage shop).
and i know what you mean about the smell. i grew up with that sunbeam/burnt rubber smell. before i plugged in my one i had my dad check it out. once he was sure it was ok, we plugged it in and turned it on, and even he was reminiscing about the smell.
may you get many more years of life out of this one!
The mixer looks right at home in your kitchen, enjoy!
Oh, yes, yes Michelle! You are so right. The smell of my Mixmaster brings me right back to my grandmother and the wonderful things she used to bake. Thanks for reminding me of that memory.
**Helena :-)
it is DEFINATELY not strange Michelle I know exactly what you mean I remember it from childhood and it brings back the memories everytime I bake a cake!! It's the motor making the smell and is so distinctive
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