some of you may have seen this pic before
but for those of you who haven't...
I did this last year
and would love to try my hand at more
but still feel uncertain if it's "working"
you know...self doubt and all...
the first one i "changed" in a word document of all things
and the second is a photo of the original...
love some feed back...
I called her Eska as it was based on the original
Alaskan sister i did last year...
I still really need some spare time for art classes
but there is no more hours or babysitters in the day
if you know what i mean...
I think the whole light and shade needs work...
or is that so important anymore???
maybe some collage work with paint and fabric...
sorry rambling now!!!
have a great weekend whatever you are up to...
but for those of you who haven't...
I did this last year
and would love to try my hand at more
but still feel uncertain if it's "working"
you know...self doubt and all...
the first one i "changed" in a word document of all things
and the second is a photo of the original...
love some feed back...
I called her Eska as it was based on the original
Alaskan sister i did last year...

but there is no more hours or babysitters in the day
if you know what i mean...
I think the whole light and shade needs work...
or is that so important anymore???
maybe some collage work with paint and fabric...
sorry rambling now!!!
have a great weekend whatever you are up to...
I'm a big fan of texture and love to add fabric, yarn and paper etc.
This would look great as a print, or made into cards.
Let go of the self doubt Michelle and throw yourself into the project. What's the worse that can happen... you waste some paint and canvas. What's the best that can happen... who knows!
I'm terrible at Art so I can only offer something simple... I like the close up with the stronger colours.
I was just listening to something yesterday about self-doubt. The author (Norman Vincent Peale) said to get rid of self doubt because all it does is hold you back. You cannot go throw yourself completely into a project when self doubt is present!
Hope that helps! Laurie
don't doubt yourself Michelle I think your painting is wonderful and I don't think light and shade is that important if you don't want it to be!! I think we need to develop a style of our own and if that does or doesn't include something then it's ok. So much art I notice now like in Frankie and on Etsy etc doesn't have shading and it still works. I love your piece. love the new toppers too!!
Yes she is really cute Michelle.
Keep working with her.
Maybe?? the most important thing (rather than classes) is to get in and do it and keep doing it, going with what you love!.
Not what you think you "should be doing" or what you think others love. Forget the rules :)
(well that's what i try and do anyway) Enjoy :)
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