This is a edit on my
last tutorial...
It's all about tension...
If you Grandma Twinkle is not sitting flat...
It could be that your tension is too tight...
So just follow this easy fix...
On the last round
make... 4 Treble(DC),4 Chain 4 Treble(DC)
in your corner space
Then 1 DC(SC)
In next space etc...
Continue in this way for the whole round...
That will make it sit very flat...

Hope this helps...
last tutorial...
It's all about tension...
If you Grandma Twinkle is not sitting flat...
It could be that your tension is too tight...
So just follow this easy fix...
On the last round
make... 4 Treble(DC),4 Chain 4 Treble(DC)
in your corner space
Then 1 DC(SC)
In next space etc...
Continue in this way for the whole round...
That will make it sit very flat...
Hope this helps...
This is such a good tutorial. I've just been going through it, making sure I understand... and I do! (That's so unusual for me!) Thanks so much Michelle - it's just fabulous :) K
This is so good. Found you via Attic24. Crochet/knit Christmas tree decorations for friends and family - a new one every year. This is the one for this year. They will all be thrilled. I use cream yarn with a gold thread running through! Bought cheaply at Lidl! Thank you so much for sharing.
Michelle it was soooo lovely to see you mentioned over at Attic24, a blog loved by thousands!
Hello from another who's clicked over here from Lucy at her Attic 24. How I love to crochet and to find ways to make what might be old, new again.
Even before this visit, I also have been crocheting five-pointed stars and creating garlands/buntings with them.
Love to think of all the variations that are possible on this theme.
See you again soon. Cheers!
I've been making stars that have been taking too long for my liking. Yours look fast and easy. Thanks!!!
I came here via Attic 24, too. :)
Love the stars and the Christmas trees. I am new to crocheting and am constantly amazed at what all can be created. Thanks for the tutorial.....
and I cam by your site thru
Attic 24
Thanks for the tip ; ^ D
Thank you Michele!!! I have made one tree and one star but have plans for many many more!!! They are just FABULOUS!!!
You can see them at on 22 Nov.
Have included links in post and link in sidebar too. Huge HUGE thanks again these will be so fabulous this year. Have a happy hookey time, all the best. X Susan
Yes, yes, yes! I just sat and made a couple stars tonite while at my granddaughter's gymnastics class...came together so nicely, but a little "cuppy" this is just in time! I'm going to try the edit and see how it the stars, just so sweet! Thanks so much for all the help and tutorial!
I am so very excited to have found your tutorials and your blog! It is so nice! I have also found you through attic 24! Come see me sometime on my blog! Denise
I am so very excited to have found your tutorials and your blog! It is so nice! I have also found you through attic 24! Come see me sometime on my blog! Denise
Just curious if you've crocheted around it to make a square, like a White Star bordered by Blue. I'm thinking of making an American flag and have concerns about making blue squares with white stars. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -Debbi or
I'm wanting to crochet an American flag (for a friend), and want to make a Blue Granny square with this star in white in the middle. Any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. -Debbi
really good tutorial!
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