I usually come up with something
while in the process of making a pattern...
Something that gives me a little hint
a little inkerling
to what it should...or likes...
to be called...
But nada...nothing...zilch...zip...zero...
Any ideas?

Maybe something
springs to mind for you...
Please let me know...
It would be just nifty...
She's definitely a 'Chloe' to me!
I think she looks like a 'Suki'.
When I saw her, I thought of Suki, really!!!! And when I want to post this ???? Yarn Round Hook said the same.
Soooooo, is this coincidence?
Sweety!!!It's very nice!
For me she looks like a "Little Miss Royal"
Mikah came to mind for me...but I love m names.....
How about Peach Blossom...
Yoko I'd say!!!
Come to think of it Yoshi is also nice!!!
She certainly looks like a traveller and ready for all seasons - my suggestion is Makkadie.
Very cute as always.
I see her as a Madeline or Maddie for short.
For some reason I think of her as 'Selina'
'Nada' gave me a whiff of 'Nadia'! Ahem. But I'm liking an Eastern Bloc approach or a Japanese sound. Not the foggiest why - p'raps because she has some very sweet, very definite personality!!!
I would like to name her Miyako, which means 'beautiful march child' in Japanese.... But however she will be called....she's cute!
She looks very oriental. You have a lovely garden. All the things you do are very "flowery" I thought of HANAKO meaning flower child. Or Michelle....
I thought of 'Nina' when I saw her, or 'Yoko'!
Since she looks like a babushka doll, I though Babi. Whatever, she is adorable.
Matilda :)
my daughter just called her "Maddie", so I'm going to say that!
Maybe "Peony" after your favorite flower?
Oh, she is so adorable. My 4 year old loves her and says she is 'Celia'.
She's looking like a "Lucy" to me :)
Perhaps she could be Sissy since you are the Royal Sisters. I'd love to have a go at making her, thanks. Did you need the address or email?
Thanks Annie...Just an e-mail address would be good.If you e-mail me at
I can reply straight to your account instead of you putting it up on a comment...
Michiko, a lovely Japanese lady I knew as a child. She is one of those special, sweet, gentle ladies.
Well Michelle most folks are going for Oriental names & I agree she has that sort of look.Funny Jan Quigley says Michiko as I know a Japanese lady with that name... my nephews M-I-L... lovely lady... No matter what you call her she is adorable... <3
When I saw her I thought 'Zara'. I tend to give the first name that jumps into my head to alot of things.
Spring like - I would say something like Dahlia or Lilly
I see her as KIWI
not sure why....LOL!
How about Yuki or Anchee? She's very sweet. :)
How about Sister, or Sissy
Chelley? or Shelly?
Well, seems to me, you gave her a name already -- perhaps inadvertently. She is not really a person and not really an animal, so perhaps she is a Nifty... Maybe Chloe, or Danni, or Nance, or Edna the Nift... Hmmmm? She is so very cute no matter what you name her... and she is a her...
Michelle, because she reminds me of you AND a Michelle I went to school with.
I think a good name would be "Grandma's Girl" (going with your theme, in honor to your dear grandmother)
love this, esp. her cute embroidered eyes. :)
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