Monday, March 5, 2012

Granny Square Blanket so far...

So far so good...

Granny Square Blanket...

8 squares by 5 squares...
Granny Square Blanket...

Need to get on with another row as it is getting to the stage were it looks like "something"...

I can't believe that it has taken this long...

But changing colours every row will do that...

We have been having a very wet start to Autumn here
and the leaves are starting to change already...

Changing Seasons...

That's climate change for you!!!

Are your seasons all "mixed up" too?

A friend mentioned to me today that their friend just flew into Sydney
a few days ago
and the first comment they made was..."it smells like mould"...

Now don't get me wrong Sydney is normally a beautiful city full of
amazing sites, parks, museums and people...

But the weather has played havoc in the last few months...
I do hope it improves very soon...

Not just there but right across our amazing planet...


Dorothy said...

Your granny blanket is going to be a real stunner - already looking absolutely fabulous. Yes, the weather has been dreadful - Canberra has just had its wettest week in 62 years. Thankfully we weren't flooded. Hope this week is better. xox

Brianna said...

I completely love this! This is a fantastic afghan. I love how you incorporated the orange, and how it still looks "new" without being too too retro. Love it!

Deborah said...

Awe!! The loveliest of colors. Seems so strange that our seasons are opposite. We're heading into Spring. Warm air, green leaves and flowers.

Sara said...

This is gorgeous! I'm working on one a lot like this for Isabel. I think I have about... 28 squares done and 71 to go. How are you joining them? I really want Isabel's blanket to have a flat seam.

Lilea said...

Beautiful! You are inspiring me to start one as well!

kråkspark said...

It is crazy for me talking about autumn! In north of Sweden I,m waiting for spring! The snow is still cover the ground.

annie said...

Your colours are just perfectly selected as usual. What sort of wool did you use? Where do you get them? I'm itching for a good crochet session for a few weeks but can't find colours I like.
It seems Mother Nature is giving us a disgruntled shake up at the moment!

Jodie said...

That blanket is awesome sauce !
The weather....not so much.
We had Saturday totally freezing at 12 degrees and then stinky sweaty hot 30's on Sunday ....Crazy

Michelle said...

Thanks so much for the "blanket" love..
I used Magnum 8 ply acrylic for this far I think it will work out as one ball of each colour...
plus an extra ball of red for the last row of each round and then I will be adding a border of red as well...
I have one square to go tonight...YEAH...

Maria said...

Very beautiful, i love the colors and the red around the squares.

The Coderlambian said...

Beautiful blanket! I love the colors!