I need some help with this new project...
Can you help?
I need a name...
Something Grandma...
Something just lovely...
If you have a fab idea please leave a comment...
and go into my draw to win a copy of what will be my next PDF...
That's right I will be adding this pdf pattern to my shop
later in the week...
Just some writing to finish,
and of course a name...
I love the fact that this "paper chain"
is just so versatile...

It could be used as a garland...
I need some help with this new project...
Can you help?
I need a name...
Something Grandma...
Something just lovely...
If you have a fab idea please leave a comment...
and go into my draw to win a copy of what will be my next PDF...
That's right I will be adding this pdf pattern to my shop
later in the week...
Just some writing to finish,
and of course a name...
I love the fact that this "paper chain"
is just so versatile...
It could be used as a garland...
So looking forward to hearing from you all...
and will be announcing a winner by mid week...
Good luck my dears...
EDIT: A name has been picked!!!
Thank you all for your lovely creative ideas...
I do believe there could be a first and second thou...
Will let everyone know on my next post...
and will be announcing a winner by mid week...
Good luck my dears...
EDIT: A name has been picked!!!
Thank you all for your lovely creative ideas...
I do believe there could be a first and second thou...
Will let everyone know on my next post...
well all Grandma's bring love love chain...or chain of love...good luck!!
Hi, it looks great. My suggestion for a name is Grandma Lei
robquilt beat me but I was thinking...
'Grandmas Lovin' Chain'...
Looks love... thanks for the chance...
love links!
I immediately thought of Grandma's Garland. Or Grandma's Grand Garland.
Whatever you name it, it sure is beautiful!
What about Grandma Loopy?
Grandma's loops or Grandma's loopy?
More things to add to my crochet queue - on hold while some painting got done. I am itching to pick up my hook again!
I am thinking of making a bunting with your grandma all squares.
p.s. I changed my url as I decided it better not to have my location in my blog name when there are children involved.
oh oh !! lovely !! I suggest "14 Juillet GrandMa " this is french hihihi !!! just the colors of our "14 juillet "
How about "Granny Links"
Hello from Spain!
How about "Granma's chain of pansies and daisies"? When I saw this post I thought of those flowers...Thanks for sharing your beautiful art...
Well, the Grandma part just has to stay, and it's a chain, so Grandma Chain makes sense- or Grandma Links. But, what about Grandma Paper Chain- even though it's not paper?
How about "Grandma Crazy Chain"?
You must be a fast crocheter to do all that you do. I'm so slow it takes forever. I love the Twinkle Garland I made with your tutorial. Next I want to make the Tree Garland for Christmas. Thank you so much for all the wonderful tutorials. They are wonderful especially for us beginners.
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
Grandma's Lovely Loops? :-)
Grandma's Links of Love...
I absolutely love all that you do! I have to go with the Grandma's Links of Love also.....
Another lovely work of art!
How about Grandma's Loopy Links?
what about Connecting Grandma/Grandmas connection .....
all Grandmas make connections throughout their lives leaving us with memories and stories which pass throught he generations enriching us as people.This chain could be used to connect with so many things...stars and other motifs, photographs pinned to it, displaying art work/ embroidery , hanging up socks to dry.... the list is endless
I think it should have an actual name - how about Doreen (after my nana) or Noreen (after my grandma)?
Its a little long but the first thing I thought of was ... Connect My World, by Grandma.
The pattern, as always, is wonderful. Have a great evening.
Grandma twinkle chain, I'm making the assumption it is made from your beautiful twinkles
I love the way the colours have come together in the chain - my thought for a name is Grandma Links.
I think Grandma Links is good but otherwise grandma woolly chains. They look great.
Well if it were made from silver or gold it would be a "belcher" chain but "grandma's wolly belcher" might spring indigestion to mind! lol
So perhaps "grandma's forever hugs" but if I were to see that listed without a picture (on a search) I would not necessarily check it out... so the word chain would be useful in the name so perhaps "grandma's chain of hugs" but then.... oh this is trickier than you'd expect! lol
x Alex
How about Grandmas 'Chain Gang'
Nicky x
Somehow this reminded me of the queen's pearl necklace, so I'm saying "Granny's Pearls".
I also like Granny's Garland, so my vote's with Jeanne.
I thought of Granny love links, I see other people have the same idea, what ever you call them they are very cute
Louise x
How about Grandma crochet chains?
Oh thank you everyone for your very creative ideas...
I have decided on a name...
Now the tricky bit is to pick a winner that was close enough...or first to the post...
I might have to give out a first and second...
How about Grandma Comfort?
Oh, I just got to the last comment.. oh, well....
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