Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Time Just Flys

Time just flys...

More scanning of some old but favorite pics...
My friend and I would have a box of "prop" clothes and bits
and on the weekends we would scout out locations for portraits
and take "heaps"of pics basically until we got it right...
It was heaps of fun and luckily the kids all had a pretty good time as well..
the ones above are of "Oldest and Dearest" age about 12
and "My Shadow" about 4...
it's hard to believe that it was about 8 years ago now
"My Shadow" is the same age as "Oldest and Dearest"
and now "Little Miss" is the same age as "My Shadow"
funny how things work...

Not much crafting at the moment as the"lurgy" has come to visit
Hope all my crafty friends are feeling much better thou...
and I am enjoying all your great post...


CurlyPops said...

Oh no - lurgy be gone!
What lovely photos.... I would love to do something like that with my nephews but they won't stand still for more than 5 seconds.

Cardygirl said...

Love the pics...hope you feel better soon!

Nikki said...

You need to buy that camera Michelle.

Hope the lurgy has only booked in for a short visit. xx