Monday, August 3, 2009

Bench Monday and more

This is my second "flickr" Bench Monday pic...
If you want to join in a really great flickr group this is the one...
You can only upload one pic a week and it has to be on a monday...
apart from that it just has to be a shot of someone or anyone
standing on a bench (table,chair,stool)...
to go to this just click on my Flickr photo stream in my sidebar...

Now for some more "Grandma Love"
this time in cool purples and cream...

I have also finished my zig - zag cushion
that I had been waiting on getting the wool for...
now I just need to track down the right buttons...
but that one will be a keeper
as it will be just the right colours for Vintage...
Talking of Vintage
stay tuned as I pick her up on Wednesday...


Sarah-Jo said...

love love love the lilac but I must be missing something??? are you selling these lovely grandma cushions? I cant find them in your etsy store??? would love to get one of these for Iris xxx

your vintage caravan is going to look amazing cant wait to see all the reno pics
its so lovely to read about your dreams coming true
I think my perfect holiday would be driving round OZ only I would like a brand new state of the art all the luxuries included kind of campervan like in Meet the fockers LOL

Michelle said...

dear sarah-jo...still unsure if I should list these on etsy...with the exchange rate etc...and I posted one to america and the postage was $20 they are rather big...
I have them in the little shop in town at the moment...
And yes give me a "flocker" van any day it could tow
I am the sort of girl that can not live without a bathroom on board...
I'm not a "happy camper"

Unknown said...

Love that cushion !

Diana said...

Michelle the cush is great and the standing on a stool, chair flickr group sounds hilarious. Must go have a lookie.

MissyMack said...

Wow, I love the cushion! The colours are just divine. I wish I could crochet. Well, I can. But only a straight line. Have no idea how to do any fancy stuff!

Kate said...

Wow - so great!

Blossomnbird said...

Wonderful cushions!

Blossomnbird said...

oh and you've probably thought of it but you could list them without the inserts!?!