Friday, January 30, 2009

polaroid goodness

came across a great post by
paper and dolls
click the link above or find it in my side bar
(great blog by the way)
and you will find pics from a Polaroid maker
like the one i have above...
what a great programme...
a must if you love old Polaroids as much as i do...
here is the link
it is easy to download FREE
for mac and windows...
it was a little tricky to start the programme
after i downloaded it, so if you can't
work it out e-mail me and i can try to explain...

on other news
i have had to cancel my spot at the next
so disappointed...
need i say more...

but i am trying to look on the bright side
and hope that i can get even more things
made for the one in march...

i have made a few sales
by putting my dolls into a newly
opened gift shop in town...
and they do get quiet a lot of Sydney tourist trade
as there is a very popular cafe right next door...
...see pic above...
the people who own the cafe also
own the gift shop building and rent it out
and they have
a entrance to it via a side door
so they are very keep for people
to browse and buy gifts from them as well...
it works really well for both businesses...
and here's hoping it does really well for me too...

p.s to all my blogging friends
in Victoria and South Australia
try to stay cool and safe...
I'm thinking about you all...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

prizes and award

I was more than lucky
when I entered SARAH-JO'S
cause I won a gorgeous
tu tu
for little miss...
here is a pic from sarah-jo's blog
as it is in the mail
as we speak...
little miss will look soooooo
pretty in this...
I love reading sarah-jo's blog
as she seems so down to earth
and has great ideas for kids...
clothes, games and just because she is sweet
if you get the chance this blog is a must to follow...
Also i was more than
but very excited
on receiving my very first
blog award
from clare

clare gave me a bit of inspiration
with what to name
my lastest creations
they are now called...


do check out her blog as there are lots
of craft happening there...
clare has also been in a few great magazines
like Handmade and Homespun
so it was a very big deal
to me to get an award from such a popular girl...

And if you have had problems e-mailing me lately
I have fixed it all up
so e-mail away...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I love aprons

'Little Miss'
is getting into the swing of things
with a very
moment...I will have a few of these little aprons
and matching headbands
at the Olive Tree Market
on the 7th of February
so don't forget
to say "hi"

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Wow what a mammoth task
these little treasures ended up begin...
But they are so cute...

the pink one i only just finished today...
and i would have liked some more outdoor
shots but its raining
and way too wet for them to be
galloping in the fields...
the purple one i had finished yesterday
so luckily you can see her standing...
and they stand SO well...

now i am yet to name them
and of course come up with a little poem
hopefully now i have finished at least two,
and can sit down and relax
for two seconds...
something might pop into my head...

p.s... it really shouldn't matter
that I'm totally and utterly
terrified of horses???
we have two Shetland ponies called
"jack and rex"
and while very cute from a distance
i stay at a distance...

and it just isn't horses
I'm truly not bias
cows, camels, sheep, turkeys, geese
you name it...
unless they are totally docile
you can forget me ever getting into
a paddock with it...

so anyhoo
i hope you like the new "cowgirl"
and any name suggestions are great to hear...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Noble Steed

Now I don't often get beside myself...
well all right I do but
I'm so happy with the way
that Prince Hayden
here worked out...
not just because i had finished him though...
and not just because he has a pretty cool steed in toe...
no the reason is more to do with what he has done
for my creative drive...
with the newly added
"leg parting" LOL
and horse i realized he can stand on his
own two feet...
and now i have visions (in a good way)
of a new line...
I could let you wait and see but
i know you all better than that...
i think my new project will be obvious to most...
yes...Little royal cowgirls and cowboys
i have only just finished prince Hayden
this morning so it will take a few days
to come up with this new "look"
noble steed - ???
insert name here...any suggestions


Sunday, January 18, 2009

dolls dolls dolls

Now i know what you will be thinking
with this little creation
"creative block-my aunt sally"
for want of a better term...
but i can seem to do my dolls etc...
but what i really meant to say
in my other post was i can't seem to come up
with the "under $10-00 cheap things"
you know the things that you need to stock
to get a few sales these days...
even at a market it is hard to get a $10 sale
at the moment and i can't see things improving
in the immediate future...
so dolls it is...for now anyway...
i will be looking into some sort of printing
of a collage when I'm "insanely" happy with it...
i know I'm a bit of a perfectionist at times LOL...
So here is Petra
and her little poem...
she comes complete with a head scarf
and crown...
so she can change to suit the poem...
and hopefully soon there will
be a prince charming...
Pretty little Petra
Cleans all day
Dreaming of her prince
To take her away.

Hale prince Hayden
Riding on his horse
Whisks our maiden
Off to a course.

There she learns
Etiquette and grace
In gowns of blue
Denim not lace

A lavish ball
Guests to greet
They danced all night
To each other’s heart beat.

Now with her handsome
Prince by her side
She’s a vision of beauty
A blushing bride.

second attempt

second attempt...
getting there i hope...
this time i managed to put the
whole thing under the scanner
and nothing fell off...
i think i might get the hang of this yet???

Saturday, January 17, 2009

creative block

In a attempt to sit down and get some
fete savvy items sewn up
translation (cheap,quick and sell-able)
I am constantly getting side tracked...
I say to myself
how hard can it be....
I look at my material,
I do a few sketches,
I take the scissors in hand...then I just
stare into space........................
And I end up with things like this...
a collage (of material and felt)...
I think it needs another colour boarder
the whites a bit stark...but you work with what
you have...
thanks to everyone out there who have been
patiently waiting for a post...
I'm finding creative block to be a
right pain in my b-tt...
especially seeing as though i keep
sitting on it...

Saturday, January 10, 2009


What a funny little bunny...
She sort of looks a bit like a cross between
a bunny and a lamb...
but i love her nose...
and her thin long "thumper" feet...
and this butterfly fabric is very nice
as a new bag...

I'm trying really hard to get some more
things done for the market...
but i keep on getting side tracked with
other thumper here...
and i have a few ideas for some other dolls...
which do take much longer to finish than cute bags...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

fabric find

Came across some fantastic fabric today
at the most unlikely place
it was at a really unusual bric-a-brac shop
and they had a basket full of really
nice fabrics all measured and wrapped in plastic...
all be back to say the least...
and all these buttons only cost $2-00
love a bargain...
but of course on arriving home
I was slightly possessed
and sat at the machine turning
half of this fabric into a bag...
I even put a pocket in it...
I know I'm out doing myself now...

I picked up a few "cane" handles last time
I was at spotlight...
well they did have 20% off
another bargain...
now what to do with the rest???

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Coaster Tutorial

Here is a easy way to make a great
gift for your family and friends...
or whip some up for your next stall or school fete...

Cut 2 (12 cm) squares of denim
and one (12 cm) square of patterned material
one square (11 cm) of cotton wadding
they will be set out in this order
when you put them altogether
and the wadding sits behind the patterned fabric...

Cut out a heart shape in paper
and pin onto the facing denim
it should go through 3 layers
denim(face up), patterned fabric(face up),and wadding
but do not pin on the denim backing...

Machine stitch around heart
so as to get the right shape
and take paper off when finished...

Pierce a small whole only through the denim
(a un-picker is helpful)
be careful not to cut the patterned fabric...

then carefully use your scissors and cut
around the inside if the heart
leaving a small inside boarder...

using clippers or scissors
clip around the inside edge of heart
(about every 1/4 cm)
so it will fray when washed...

Now place denim backing on
facing the right way if you were to turn it over...
matching corners etc...

and stitch all the way around
leaving a 1 cm boarder...

Now using scissors or clippers
cut through all layers
around the edge...
be careful not to cut the stitching and watching fingers...
use a nice even spacing about 1/2 cm...

To rag the edges you need to put it into
the washing machine
(no hand washing)
and then place in dryer...
you may even need to do this twice
to get it to rag well...
this will depend on the material used
but denim works really well...

repeat all steps another 4 times
and now you have a set...
make them up for gifts by tying them up
with a pretty little bow...
now don't forget to add the poem...
I'd love a cup of coffee,
I'd love a cup of tea.
Pop it on a coaster,
But there’s no guarantee’s.
Cause you know...
That I will drip it and spill it
and make such a mess.
But, I REALLY need to sit
and have a well-earned rest...
if you are making these to sell
please refrain from using this poem...
but if it is for a gift please feel free
to cut and paste and print out...

Monday, January 5, 2009

cupids arrow

I'm trying to get back into the swing
after christmas...
and really need to do a lot more after a bit of thought
i decided to get a few valentines things
done for the next market
which is the week before valentines day...
and as usual a little poem to put on the cards...



And this is a new cake you will find on
sugar rush

the roses are gorgeous
and it was more than a shame to slice into
it and eat it...
but it did taste as good as it looks...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

new keyboard

Just a quick post to let everyone know
that i have now got a working keyboard...
My husband of course spilt coffee on mine
then i did have 2 going
but the old one the space bar didn't work
but did on the newer one etc etc.....
But that all fell apart when the sitter throw a toy
and it landed on the kids drink
and fell on the old keyboard as well...
We don't seem to have much luck with drinks and keyboards...
so now i have a brand new one
it happens to be spill proof...
or so it says...we will see about that?
But just to let everyone know i have not been slack...
i have read all the lovely blogs over Christmas and will try
to get to everyones and leave a comment...
and hopefully catch up on a few posts myself...

Thursday, January 1, 2009


bell girl
has sent some wonderful pressies...
my keyboard is worse than ever
so not much typing yet
will get a new one soon...
have to cut and paste just this amount
and spell check...