Monday, June 28, 2010

Sugar Blooms

Sugar Blooms is a new venue my sister and brother in-law
You can order lovely chocolate and flowers bouquets or
chocolate and cookie bouquets
as well as gift hampers...
These are just some of my favorites
from there range...

As I have mentioned in previous posts
My sister runs a very lovely wedding cake business...
Now they have explained even further
which is fantastic for anyone living in Australia...

At the moment there is FREE shipping to most cities on the east coast...
Like Melbourne and even Brisbane...

They except paypal as well as most credit cards
and ship super fast too...
So if you are after a little something special pop over and take a peek...
It is well worth it!!!

hope they have a few spare chocolates for when I visit...Yummmm...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Grandma flickr favorites...

So many lovely photo's in the grandma tutorial flickr group at the moment...

It is making it hard to decide which ones I love the most...

but I was drawn towards these lovelies as they remind me of
the changing seasons...
little glimpses of sunlight and gardens ready to bloom...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ordinarily extraordinary blanket

I must say a huge thank you
to my dear friend
for such a wonderful tutorial...
for without it I would never have finished my very own
ordinarily extraordinary blanket...
Full of granny goodness...
and oh so warm and cozy...

It is now firmly placed on my lap and there it shall stay...
It will always remind me of what blogging has done for me...
given me friends in far away places who inspire me
and encourage me with there kind words and generous heart...

I know too, that you my dear blog friends
love making my tutorials
and I still am so amazed by your kind words and tales
of far away places
stringing up your grandma twinkle garland and hearts
for all to see and share...

It makes me feel so proud and most humble...
you are all so sweet!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Prettying up with some vintage goodness...

While the week seems to have flown by so quickly...
I still managed to find some time amongst
my crocheting ways
to do a tad re-arranging
and prettying up with some
vintage goodness...

For you see I will have a visitor early next week
for which I need to "show" my goodness too...
More on that "much later" down the track...
I am still in the crossing fingers
and high hopes stage...

I know that you are there crossing fingers with me too...

and my "Deer Me" friend above has had a colour change
and is feeling rather blue...
But I quiet like him like that...
I think even thou he is blue he is now rather happy
and very grateful that he found his way to "River Cottage"
and not discarded and thrown on the rubbish pile
where some most nasty fox might see him
as a tasty bite for dinner...

last of all a "borrowed" red phone...
as mine has seen better days and chooses to ring
when it feels the inclination...
Which was not very often
and not very handy...

So for now I will leave you my dear sweets
and hopefully very soon I will show some pictures of
crocheting goodness...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A busy week...

A busy week here at the Cottage...
Lots of writing, scanning, and printing...
My first class last Thursday was just
Thanks to the sweet dears that came along of course...
Grandma Twinkle were made...
and lots of question and answers
and a last minute biscuit, due to going overtime
as we were all having such a lovely experience
we quiet forgot to look at our watches...

This week I have also started on a patchwork crocheted blanket
thanks to the amazing Dottie angel...

Check Dottie Angels blog
Or click the gorgeous photo below of
an "ordinarily extraordinary blanket"
by Dottie angel herself...
Lovely eye candy and a must read 'How To'!!!

I adore the lovely mix of colours Tif comes up with...
It makes me want to race to the shops and stock up on
Peachy perfect colours...
Oh how I would love to find a nice Granny knicker pink...

The blanket is made up of the first 5 coloured strips crocheted together as usual.
then the other rows are crocheted to it as you go...
Don't you just love projects that you don't have to spend hours joining together
when you really just want to cozy up and enjoy right away...
Well this project does just that...

So for now I must get back to
my writing and printing of the Grandma Trees,
which will be for this weeks class...

and hopefully I will be back sooner than later with a
unusual deer thrifty find...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Granny Who Wristwarmers

I have called these
'Granny Who Wristwarmers'
after the show "DR WHO"
as while making these I was thinking
how much they reminded me of the Daleks on the show...
They are very warm...
and very comfy too...
Need to finish the other one!!!

Also thank you all so much for "loving" my granny slippers as much as I do...
I will try to keep them listed...
and remember to add your pics to the
Grandma Tutorial group...
I would love to see them...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

can you pass me a spare hankie my dear...

Oh my dear friends...
How generous you have all been...
You have opened your hearts and shared
moments that I know have been very emotional for you all...
Reading through the amazing comments I was finding
so many similarities with my own Grandma experiences...

And the memories that for some are not so
vivid or clear...
I have found that you are the ones that are making
changes in yourself
to make some special granny moments for
your own children and grandchildren...

I think sometimes my desire in all this granny goodness
is not only to remember the past
but to insure that it is passed on to my children...
To make their memories as beautiful as mine...

Deciding on a winner was extremely hard
for I do believe that every comment was conveying something personal...
But as I read through,
one in particular stood out...
For I do believe the even trying to read this comment to the end,
even on the third occasion to my husband,
I still found I couldn't do it without a hankie in hand...
Ok lets be honest...Bursting into tears...

Lola Nova...
and for all my dears here is Lola's comment..
If you get through it without a hint of a sniffle...I will be amazed...

When I was young, I was rich in grannies. I had three.
So it is hard to think of just one granny moment. All of them were fantastic bakers.
Each had their own specialty.
My most granny moments are when I bake.
Cookies: I think of Harriet.

Pies: my granny Midge.
Bread: grandma Alta.

When I was 8, I was dying to have my ears pierced.
I had begged my father for a year and he finally relented.
There was no one to take me and I thought it was the end of the world.
Then my grandma Midge volunteered,
she took me to a fancy department store where I suddenly lost my nerve.
She then sat herself on the stool and said, "I'm getting mine done."
Mind you she was well in her 60s and had never pierced her ears.
She smiled through the whole thing and said it was no big deal.
Up I went and had it done.
I was so inspired by my granny, that she would do this for me.
She told me years later that she was terrified
and had wanted to yell and cry because it hurt like the dickens but,
she couldn't let me see.

In my late teens, I had gone for a visit to see my grandma Alta.
I had gone outside to sneak a smoke and a beer and she caught me.
I thought she would give me such a tongue lashing.
Instead, she took a beer, asked for a smoke and said, "Don't tell grandpa."
We then sat in the dark listening to the crickets.
We talked a long time...about life I guess.
It remains one of the most meaningful conversations I have ever had.

Near the end, my grandmother Harriet "lost her marbles",
she forgot who we were,
she didn't know where she was and didn't know what year it was.
This was interrupted by occasional spells of lucidity.
During one of these, I found myself in
an incredibly profound conversation with her about dying.
She told me she was ready and that she had been lucky in this life.
She then asked me to sing to her,
"Will you sing me to sleep? I'm going to see my mama soon."
I wrapped my arms around her impossibly tiny body,
I held her like a babe in my arms (like she once held me).
I rocked her gently and sang old lullabies softly until she fell asleep.
It was the last lucid moment she would have...
a few days later she was gone
and I can not tell you how grateful I was to have that moment with her.

Sorry, didn't mean it to be so long.

Oh Lola...
What can I say...
Thank you!!!
From the bottom of my heart...