Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Grandma Twinkle Doily

Oh got to love a doily!!!
Turn your Grandma Twinkles into a
6 point star...
Start with 6 chains at beginning...
and make 6 groups instead of 5 for the first row...It may seem a tad gathered for the first and second row but this will flatten out in the last row...
and I didn't use my edit for the last row of these twinkles...
Follow pattern as per instructions taking into account the extra group and
wow you now have a 6 point star to join to more and more and more...
This one I have made from fine cotton...
But it does still work for wool etc...
You could even make a blanket out of them...
Give it as whirl...and don't forget to add them to the Grandma Tutorial Group...
If anyone has any trouble following these instructions I can do a more detailed post...Just ask...It will not be a problem...
I am happy to help out...


  1. Oh wow!!! This is brilliant! Can't wait to give this a go!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  2. And the hits keep coming! Where oh where do you find the time to be so beautifully productive? Just a lovely doily indeed.

  3. Lovely! Thank you so much for sharing. I wish I could be as productive as you! This will be on my to do list for next year.

  4. I will definitely have to try to figure those out, they would make a great throw. I am consistently amazed at the beautiful things you create and your generosity in sharing them with us.

  5. what a pretty doily! thanks for sharing!

  6. My stars!(Pardon please; I just can't resist a good pun. ;) Those twinkles sure made a gorgeous doily! The pink is very pretty!

  7. What a lovely starry doily will have to try this one - thank you and Happy New Year! Kim x

  8. Just came over from Lucy's Attic24 blog and your blog!!! I live in the US and would like to know if your tutorials are the same for us??

    Happy New Year, BTW :)

  9. Too cute. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy all of your patterns.

  10. I adore this! I am thinking tablecloth! Wonderful blog! Thanks for sharing your ideas!


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