Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Grandma Flickr Favorites...Twinkle...

Twinkle Twinkles everywhere...
Just adore these colours...
and so many new pics in the group I am finding it so hard to choose...

I will be showing a way of turning your Grandma Twinkles
into a 6 point...very soon...

That way you can join them together to make something bigger...
Hmmmm maybe a doily...
Everyone loves a doily!!!


  1. Looking forward to it!

    I made a circle last night - lovely clear instructions, will make some more today.

    Thank you

  2. "Cierra los ojos, piensa en todo lo que te hizo sonreir en el año que termina y olvidate de lo demás... Ojala esas sonrisas se te multipliquen por 2010. FELICES FIESTAS!!!! FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!!!!

  3. Gorgeous, I just posted yesterday about my star garland, I forgot to e-mail you about it. Can't wait to see what you're working on.


  4. I like a lot of seeing these crochet pieces.. I really love crochet.. I made the star that you kindly taught.. and it was beautiful in my tree..... thank you for sharing such beautiful decorations.
    Big Hugz!

  5. I celebrated Christmas in the Democratic Republic of Congo this year and my only decorations were your stars and trees (and Attic24's snowflakes). They made wonderful garlands. Question...I blocked the stars with water, but they need a little more stiffening. I can't buy spray starch...do you or your readers have a good homemade starch recipe? Thanks for the awesome tutorials.

  6. ola querida

    vim desejar boas festas, bom inicio de ANO NOVO.

    bjos cassia

  7. Dear Kristee...
    I just did some google research and found
    if you dissolve 1 tablespoon of corn starch in one pint of water this may work...making sure to dissolve all the corn starch so there is no lumps...it can be stored in the fridge but bring back to room temperate to use...
    I do hope this works...


i love hearing your comments...