Thursday, July 26, 2012


Thank you all so so much
for your lovely messages last post...

I feel so very lucky to have so many
friends who are so kind...

Since my Birthday 
I have tried very hard to see 
the brighter side of what
everyday brings...

Granny Wrap Blanket...

The cold weather
just helps the Daffodils 
get ready to spring to life
in full amazing colour...

and a strip of unfinished Blanket
that has sat in the box forever
can be turned into something
when you just put your mind to it...

So to all my dears...

Sometimes you just need to
look at things a bit differently
to see the
potential within...


  1. Oooh dear Michelle... this may not sound very kind...but for me as one of your's so comforing to see that you are only human too (lol, well I always had a feeling you were...), with doubts and little moments of sad feelings during winter. I have had a far too long period of that just now and I am so happy to be crowling out of it. Spring will always come again! Weather as a season or as a feeling of new beginnings... And then daffodils will bloom and blanket strips become lovely Granny Good and comforting wraps.... Lots of love from the other side of the globe! Floortje

  2. Love the look of your new 'wrap'and I absolutely adore that little red jug !!!! xoxox

  3. Nichelle, you are so right about finding new angles, new focus points. It can be rather fun to explore this exercise, though it can take a bit of energy just to get started sometime.

    Your idea of transforming blanket into wrap turned out so well. I love the look of your al fresco tea time, and wish I could sit in that other chair...I'd even bring my own cup, and maybe make some cookies or cupcakes!


  4. True, so true. A poetic post...lovely.

  5. Love your new wrap, and I agree with looking at things differently! Great post! Have a wonderful week! xo Heather

  6. Hello from Denmark, great blog you have and I love your new wrap :)I might even try to make one too

  7. Michelle,
    You look so lovely in your pretty wrap-- makes me want to make one, too! :) I hope that the rain is passing and that better weather is making it's way to you. :)

  8. a granny wrap....!!! What a clever idea!!!!
    xxxx Alessandra

  9. Hello from Poland :)
    Beautiful the poncho.

  10. me encanto lo que escribiste,sinceramente esa ha de ser la enseƱanza de la vida:)y ese ponchito o manta de la abuelita,una autentica belleza:)


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