Sunday, May 6, 2012

Kitschy Koala Tea Cozy...

Just when you may have thought
I had slowly started
to cross the line from
"Granny Goodness"
to borderline 
with my

Kitschy Koala Tea Cozy...

I lost the plot...
dove head over heels into kitsch...

With the Kitschy Koala Tea Cozy...

I knew there was some "twee" in me...
just waiting to pour out...

Kitschy Koala Tea Cozy...

So with a lot of patterns to finish writting out...
I will just
have to leave you for now with some
pretty kitschy pictures to enjoy...

Kitschy Koala Tea Cozy...

*** The little "Budgie" is a new thrifty find from the markets..***

Kitschy Koala Tea Cozy...

kitsch |ki ch |
art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way...

koala |kōˈälə|
a bearlike arboreal Australian marsupial that has thick gray fur and feeds on eucalyptus leaves. Also called native bear in Australia.


  1. ohhh soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    "Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) are herbivore marsupials that live in eastern Australia.They are the only species of the family Phascolarctidae.

    The koala is also often called the koala bear because it looks like a small bear or teddy bear. However, it is not a bear.Its name is just "koala"

  3. NEVER EVER, is the Koala called native bear in Australia, and if it is, it is by uneducated international visitors.

  4. Thanks Kaycee for your comments...
    I did "copy and paste" out of the New Oxford Dictionary on my Apple...
    I thought that some of my overseas bloggers and visiters might find it interesting and helpful to know the meanings...
    Thanks for the update as it will help
    many who want to know more about our native wildlife here in Australia...
    Regards Michelle...

  5. Michelle your Koala is absolutely adorable!! So cute, and original!! You are quite the talent!! Hope you are feeling better!! xo Heather

  6. It's cute -- I love the texture!

  7. Oh my, it's super cute! What an awesome idea!!! Thank you for sharing it!!

  8. Love the Koala ....never got to see a real one while over in OZ (in NSW) last summer,although I looked and looked-but this one looks pretty neat!

    It especially looks good on that garden table!

    A new follower- a Brit living in Spain :-)


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