Tuesday, October 11, 2011

While I am waiting...

Until I receive the yarn I need to finish the three other tops...

I thought I would start another...
As one does...

While I am waiting...

This one would have been finished if I didn't have to undo it a zillion times...
I used 8 ply cotton
and the pattern which was Japanese was in something a lot finer
because I had to change nearly everything...

I still really like it but I think next time
there are still a few things I would change...
Like the way the armholes increase,
and the curve on the top etc...
But all in all I am really pleased with how it is coming along...

While I am waiting...

Only about 16 -20 more rows to go...

I should have that finished before I get bored and start something else...

But then I did see this other amazing top................


  1. Michelle, It is beautiful you are crocheting items at an amazing speed. Lovely work.

  2. Love it!

    I cannot keep my mind on any project long enough to finish them at the moment. Things keep catching my eye!


  3. wow, you're making a lot of tops! I love this color :)

  4. Beautiful top in every way - Lovely colour and your crochet is very neat.
    Hope the rest goes smoothly and there is no more un-crochet action - too many temptations about for dealing with that!

  5. Cute!
    I can hear myself speak, I also get bored easily. But finishing things is so rewarding that I mostly do!

  6. I like this one too! There is a little top I have been eying for my girls. It's probably time to give it a go. :)

  7. sooooooo beautiful....i love the bright color....you are a very skilled crocheter :)

  8. So wonderful.
    Terrific color ! ! !


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