Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And the winner is...

Thank you all so much for an amazing response 
to my latest Grandma Daisy pattern giveaway...

I did find it hard to find a way of picking a winner...

So I thought I would be very conventional...
for me anyway...
And give a free pattern to the very first
and very last comment...

Thank you
(Can you e-mail me your details...that would be great)

and Congratulations!!!

I will be listing the pattern for sale on etsy
so if you would like to grab a copy
please take a look...

At Home...
I have been spending a few afternoons
in the vegie patch...

With the amount of rain we have been having
it is looking more like a jungle patch...

The basil plants are fantastic...

And that mass in the middle of the patch
is three tomato plants...
They are suffering a bit from the wet weather
but we should have about 30 large tomatoes on it to harvest in a week...
and in front of them is a row of baby tomatoes
which we have been picking already...
Lots of other vegetables too...

Finding time to spend out in the garden is just what I need...

It clears my head a bit...

and is so relaxing...

I would also like to send my best wishes
to all of my dear sweet friends living in Queensland...
 I do hope you are all safe...
and your family and friends are too...

Stay high and dry!!!


  1. Wow! Thank you,thank you, Michelle! I'm really excited to have won and am I glad that I'm the first one!

  2. Thank you Aisyah...
    I have sent your pattern through to you...
    I do hope you enjoy it...

  3. Oh your garden is just beautiful Michelle, so lush and heathy looking :)

    Congratulations to the winners :)

  4. Congratulations to the winners!! And what a wonderful garden you have Michelle.

    Hugs XX

  5. Congrats to the winners.
    I love basil, tomato & capsicums - my favourite base and from there I expand. Pity the white flies destroyed mine

  6. Your photos of your garden are so beautifully green. And, you're blog just makes me wish I could crochet- I would love that grandma twinkle for my Christmas tree. I need to find me a crocheting left hander to show me (loads of righty's have given up on me!)

  7. I just wanted to thank you so much for your wonderful tutorials. I made a garland of Grandma Twinkles for my mum's Christmas and she loved it. I'm just learning to crochet and your tutorial was really easy to follow. Thank you.
    x x
    PS If you're interested you can see a picture of my garland on my blog x

  8. I love your blog! I will be sharing an award with you tomorrow at Tangled Happy. I would love if you stopped by to see. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful inspiration. Sara :)

  9. Love pictures of your garden. I have two feet of snow outside and it's snowing again. Even the pictures of crocheting look wonderful!

  10. Your garden looks fantastic, home grown tomatoes are so delicious, we have been eating ours fresh from the garden ♥

  11. Hi there,
    I’ve given you the Stylish Blogger Award! There’s more info over on my blog gemmipopdesigns@blogspot.com
    I hope you’re having a great day!

  12. Hi there,
    I’ve given you the Stylish Blogger Award! There’s more info over on my blog gemmipopdesigns@blogspot.com
    I hope you’re having a great day!

  13. Love your patterns, love your crochet, love your generous spirit and now that you have shown us your garden I love that too.

  14. Really amazing blog and great articles. Thanks for sharing all this.

  15. I was thinking you were located in the UK and couldn't figure out how you were gardening in winter and then realized you were down under. We are buried in snow here. But I am thinking of spring already.

  16. Hey, Michelle...miss you around blogland. Hope all is well. Love to you and a big hug.

  17. I am your newest follower. I am looking forward to getting your patterns and trying them out. They are beautiful.

  18. Your veggie garden is spectacular! What sort of pest control do you use?I've just started getting my garden going again, and I'm going down the companion planting path. I've had success in the past with this method, but I'm always looking for other natural, non-poison methods :)


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