Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's All About The HOME...


This New Year...
it's all about the HOME...
A granny good Home of course...

Putting my best foot forward and making
my home life extra special...

Lots of gardening...painting...prettying up...
and most of all 
lots of LOVE....

I do hope everyone's New Year will be just sweet...

Thank you for all of your support over this last month...
it has made me realize that there is so much more I could be doing
instead of feeling all wishy washy...

Like crocheting some more...

I have started working on some more patterns 
and will have one out in January...
Cross fingers...

But for now...keep up the granny goodness that you know so well...
And I will see you very soon in the New Year...


  1. Another beautiful post and I like your positive outlook for the upcoming year! All the best to you for the most wonderful days in 2011!

  2. not too worry, your not the only one to feel wishy a positive more delightful and full of wonder new year....

  3. Loving that home banner - looking pretty there by the gate.
    Cute scarf you are wearing too.

  4. Wishing you a merry lovely happy New Year, Michelle! these are perfectly pretty pictures!! xx

  5. Such a lovely scarf!

    I love the red shoes with your HOME squares. Made me think of Dorothy...'there's no place like home, there's no place like home...'

  6. I love the colour combo the blue and burgundy work so well together, I hope you have a healthy, productive and peaceful new year. Nicky xx

  7. Wishing you a happy, healthy, peaceful New Year! :)
    Vivienne x

  8. Happy New Year to you, too, Michelle. Look forward to seeing your posts. All the best with the work on your home.
    Caz from Never Knew :)

  9. love the scarf-is that one of your own patterns?
    nice banner too!

  10. Thank you all for your sweet words...

    The scarf I am wearing in the picture is a christmas gift that I received...
    it's from Katie's and it is very nice indeed...
    If you live in Australia they are a great buy...

  11. Dear Michelle,

    i wish you and your Family a very Happy New Year 2011 and i am happy to see you next Year again...

    Send you many, many Greetings


  12. Thanks, Michelle, for your positive outlook, and for the inspiration that you give to all of us. Looking forward to what's ahead in 2011. All the best to you and your family.

  13. Home is a wonderful place isn't it? No matter how humble,theres no place like home.....many blessings on your home in the coming New year.....Shelley

  14. Have only just discovered your blog but have been working my way through your tutorials and really enjoyed myself. I've just downloaded the chevron blanket PDF, as my ex's grandmother died a few weeks ago and her daughter made me a box full of her wool - I'm hoping to make the blanket out of that as a memento.
    Very much looking forward to seeing what you'll be making in 2011. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  15. Happy, granny-good New Year! May 2011 continually tickle your creative bone.

  16. Dear Michelle,
    I wish you a year of fulfilled wishes and ideas!
    Health,love and good friends!

  17. LOvely picture!
    I wish you a very happy- and creative- new year!!

  18. Michelle,
    May I wish you a very happy new year!
    Love your blog, its a pleasure to pop over from time to time to see what you are up to!
    Love Suex

  19. Hello Michelle,
    what a lovely blog you have !

    Nice pics you've made of your beautiful creations but I've not seen all of it , so I come back.

    A happy, healthy and creative 2011

    Warm greetings , Susie

  20. Happy new Year Michelle! Wishing you an abundant and deeply inspired 2011, and mybe a grandma's cushion book deal!!!!

  21. Great reminders to self. Love the home banner. here's hoping for a great 2011 for you Michelle

  22. what a great way to spend 2011! wishing you all the best for this new year.

    i love your home banner and shoes!


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