Monday, June 29, 2009

And the winners are

You didn't think I would tell you right away....
no... I need to thrill you dear friends
with what I have been making this week...

and for me this is big...
while most will say...but it's only a cushion...
well a nice one at that...
this dear readers is much more to me...
this cushion represents
a family tradition...
you see my grandmother
made many,many rugs with this same pattern...
and my mother still
makes many,many rugs with the same pattern...
and while I have always adored them
I have had no patience to do a project
that would possibly take me all winter...
that was until I found I could turn it into a cushion and it
would take me no time at all...
well a week but that's not bad...
so this one is my first of hopefully
as few more,
of what my family have always called a
"Van Dyke" pattern...
The family tradition will live on...

Now for the lucky winners...

Nikki and Linda
I hope your prizes keep you warm and cozy
this winter...

And a huge THANK YOU
for all the lovely comments
they do mean so much to me...
And here's to another 200 posts
of chatting and blogging...


  1. And isn't tradition a fine thing? You must feel quite chuffed to have conquered the Van Dyke pattern so fabulously! Well done. And congrats to the two winners xox

  2. I like that you have continued the family tradition, yet put your own spin on it.

    And thankyou for making my day. I feel very lucky to have won your gorgeous creations. Thankyou Michelle xxx

  3. Congrats to the winners and heres to at LEAST 200 more !!!

  4. yay thank you Michelle that is such great news!!!! I am a happy girl How wonderful to continue the family tradition, it's a special thing.

  5. I think the change to a cushion is great - I love it! Well done


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