Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vintage Theme

Following on with more vintage goodness...

I have made a very yummy burgundy collar
that I know will look great around one
of my very plain black dresses...
And here are some market and op shop finds...

Some fabulous ribbon that I really want to put into
a dolly skirt when I get around to making it...

Lovely crocheted Dollie that is handmade
and I picked up from the CWA stall....

And vintage blue dress with tie
that I'm hoping to make look kind of quirky cute...
I 'll let you know how that goes...

And some fabulous Marks and Spencer shoes
that will be perfect for a wedding I'm going to soon...
And yes I don't think I will wear "the wicked witch of the west" socks...
Love to but I wont...


  1. Love those socks - they are so much fun!

  2. Oh please wear the socks!
    I'd love to see how you go with the dress re-fashion. I keep looking at dresses at the oppy with the intention of fixing them somehow but just haven't found the right one yet.

  3. Wear the socks... wear the socks... !!!


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