Tuesday, March 31, 2009

suspense is over

Wedding Toppers
yes... did anyone guess???
if you didn't that's OK...
I'm sure it was the last thing you were thinking of...
they are to supply my sisters
wedding cake business
and as we know wedding are big business
and still as popular as ever...
there will be a few styles
and colour choices...
the hair style on the groom is "trendsetter"
and is in black...
the bride's hair is mid-length "classic" in black
and they both have "cream" detail...

I am part way through a few sets
but I'm still waiting for my order of titanium white to arrive...
so while i wait it gives me lots of time
to re-coat and re-coat with lots of lovely glossy vanish...

I can see myself doing a few
in more "girly" colours and styles
down the track
they are just so cute!!!


  1. oh Michelle they are super cute!! I suspected they might be going to be people but never thought of wedding toppers, great idea!!!

  2. They're gorgeous!
    I was thinking something like peg people but I definitely wasn't thinking cake toppers. Hey, you could make them in lots of different styles for birthday cakes too. Love 'em

  3. They're lovely. How big are they?

  4. diana...
    they are about 9 cm or just over 3 inches...

  5. I thought little people, but not wedding toppers, very cute! they should be very popular!

  6. Well worth the wait , I love them .
    clares craftroom

  7. How sweet, trendsetter indeed!

  8. I love them Michelle - they are bound to be best sellers.

  9. They are so cute! We are in wedding mode around here. My niece is getting married at our house in August and I am remaking her wedding dress out of her Mom's wedding dress! We are using a vintage pattern too. It's going well so far... Those cake toppers may need to come to Oregon...


i love hearing your comments...