Sunday, February 15, 2009


now as usual I'm a tad stuck with options
for this new funky sister...
as i don't see her as the horse riding sort...
i see her more as the uni-art student type...
and a pony will just not do...
so i tried really hard to do a scooter...
yes a vespa would be appropriate but
that's really beyond me so i though a scooter would be a
cool accessory...
but that's when things just didn't work out...
you see a scooter does not balance like a "hobby horse" does
and no matter how hard i tried
it was by no means going to hold her upright,
even when i tried sewing her arm to the handle bars...
so it's back to the drawing board...

so if any clever bloggers out there can possible think of
an alternative to the "hobby horse"
it would be very much appreciated...

and hopefully we will have some clearer weather in the next
couple of days so i can take a few
better pics....
the flashy inside shots really
doesn't do the poor girl justice...
***and you know a girl likes to look her best***

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